SPM 2013 Results

I just-
I just can’t-
I didn’t –
disappoint myself  (:
Okay here goes my supposedly speech :
Thank you mom , dad , teachers , tuition teachers, friends, classmates , family and last but not least , God. I just couldn’t express how joyful and yet shocked I feel right now. 10 A+ in my hands ( err I mean the slip is in my hands ) . Like damm I didn’t expect this at all !
The night before today , I was anxious and felt butterflies and perhaps caterpillars in my stomach. I couldn’t sleep at all ! I tossed and turned on my bed till 2.30 am like walao just let me sleep in peace lah T.T
Well the reason why I didn’t expect myself to get such a good result was because I thought I screwed my Malay essay. It was dreadful .
I sort of prepared myself for the worst, yknow just in case I do not get the ideal results. I was in jittery when they started announcing the straight A+’s achievers. My legs were limp and I felt uncomfortable in my gut.
When my name was announced , I didn’t know whether to cry or smile or whatever.  My legs were shaky and I walked up the stage in an awkward manner ._.
What can I say ? I am grateful . Grateful that God answered my prayers , grateful that my ‘hard’ work paid off. No sarcasm intended but I’d always thought I didn’t work hard enough. Maybe I did. Just that low self-esteem concealed what I see in myself.
Haha . Expect the unexpected.
Anyway , congratulations to my friends no matter what results they obtained (: spm is just a small part of Malaysian students’ lives. Hey I know maybe you’re not satisfied with your results but life still has to go on.
Good luck to those who are sitting for SPM this year (: Study in a way of which you are comfortable with and always listen to your teachers. They know the best (: Cut down outings and do more exercises because practice makes one perfect .
And I stand a chance of getting a KPM bursary WAHAHAHAHAHA FREE EDUCATION X)